Who We Are
Carolyn is a qualified counsellor with the Australian Institute of Professional Counselling (AIPC) and a member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA). Her studies with the AIPC included ‘developmental’ aspects and, in addition, she has completed modules on Brain Plasticity at the American University of Natural Health and is a member of the International Association of Brain Plasticity and Rehabilitation. She is officially registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia.
What We Do
Carolyn Borrell of The Connected Brain, offers an effective science-based treatment giving real hope to children and adults on the ASD spectrum, and also people who suffer learning or behavioural issues such as dyslexia, OCD, depression, ADD, and more.Treatment is based on brain plasticity, using exercise and movement to improve brain function. Our brain has mostly experience-dependent genes that need to be turned on to allow it to grow and develop correctly. If an experience is missed or done differently, for example, crawling, then the brain doesn’t develop properly. With just one part of brain maturity missed in this way a person’s abilities are impacted for life. What would happen then if several experiences were missed or changed? To find out more about this therapy, give us a call to discuss your needs today.
"Ruby has wet her bed all her life. Since her treatment at The Connected Brain she's stopped completely! Her confidence has grown so much and she's been on the school camp, gone to sleep overs with friends - what a joy to watch as her parent!"
"My son has always been a C & D level student - he hated school! In his last report he got A's & B's. We are all blown away! He couldn't believe it. Thank you so much Carolyn! Would definitely recommend."
"I used to come home from work so exhausted - more than I should've been. I'd take it out on the family, just getting angry all the time - I felt so guilty for it. Now I come home at the end of my day with energy to spare and have alot more patience with my kids. Thanks Carolyn!"