Pain Reduction Workshops

Click on one of the below dates to secure your booking:

     1.  Monday 19th June @ 9.00am

     2.  Monday 3rd July @ 9.00am

Cost:  $150  

Train your brain away from pain by attending via zoom this 2 hour, one-off Empowered Relief Workshop.  This evidence-based, skills-based class requires only ONE VISIT!

This 2 hour one-off zoom Workshop has been proven through research at Stanford University to give the same pain reduction benefits as 8 sessions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at 3 months out.  It is a time and cost effective way to reduce chronic pain. 

"I wish my doctor told me about this class on day 1!  Finally I have tools to manage my pain!"    from Janice.

  • Learn about pain and what you can do to help yourself
  • Gain pain relief skills you can use right away
  • Receive a free binaural relaxation audio file
  • Create a personal plan for pain relief
  • Bring a friend or family member with you



 For more information fill in the Contact Form below and we will get back to you asap.

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